You might see these friendly faces in your neighborhood over the next few years as we work on an enhanced ERT (electronic reader) change-out project.

JCCUD is changing your current ERT on your meter to an enhanced version to enable us to better serve you.

Pay your bill online. It’s free and convenient.

Sign up for bank draft and have time for those you enjoy.

Feel the comfort of Natural or Propane Gas.

Apply Now!

Make the switch to Natural or Propane Gas for endless hot water.

Call 811 before you dig. It’s the law!


serving natural and propane gas to Jefferson and Cocke Counties

Jefferson Cocke County Utility District (JCCUD) is a Public Utility serving natural and propane gas to Jefferson and Cocke Counties since 1957.  Our mission is to provide high quality and safe energy and related services in Cocke and Jefferson Counties while meeting the expectation and needs of customers, employees and the community at large and striving to continuously improve all services.

In Our Community

JCCUD employees and family enjoyed participating in Newport’s 2024 Christmas Parade! This was our first year, but not our last! This was such a fun night for our Community.

Things To Know

Light Pilot Service


Prepare for the arrival of cool weather.  Winter will be here soon! To provide quicker and more efficient service, the Gas Utility will again make appointments this year to light your pilots from the 1st Wednesday in September through the 1st Wednesday in October.

Bank Draft

Eliminate check writing, phone calls, trips to the office, postage and late fees.  By utilizing this FREE service, your JCCUD bill will be securely drafted assuring your bill is paid on time each month.  You will still receive your monthly billing statement.

Energy Assistance Program

In case you did not know, there are Energy Assistance Programs in Cocke and Jefferson Counties. Contact Douglas Cherokee Economic Authority, Inc. if you are in need of assistance with your energy bill.

Pay Your Bill
Quickly & Securely

Newport Location

122 Highway 25E
Newport, TN 37821

Phone: (423) 623-3069

Fax: (423) 623-1784

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays

Propane Walk-in Fill Station Hours
(Newport Location only)

Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:15 PM
Friday 7:30 AM – 3:45 PM
Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays

Per DOT regulation, tanks must be certified and in date before JCCUD will be able to fill them. JCCUD does not certify or re-certify tanks. If you have a 20lb tank, it may be exchanged anywhere that does exchanges. If the tank is larger than a 20lb, they must be re-certified.

Jefferson City Location

243 East Broadway Blvd
Jefferson City, TN 37760

Phone: (865) 475-7911

Fax: (865) 475-2907

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays