Contractor’s Invitation to Bid – Swannsylvania Project


Sealed proposals for the work of the Swannsylvania Expansion project for the Jefferson Cocke County Utility District will be received by and through the office of the General Manager at 122 Highway 25E, Newport, Tennessee 37821, until 11:00 o’clock a.m. local time on August 22, 2024. Immediately after this time, the proposals will be publicly opened and read in the Conference Room at the Utility District’s office.

All work shall be done in accordance with the Plans and Specifications dated June 2024. The Work shall consist of installing 2,400 feet of 6″ MDPE distribution pipe and 18,650 feet of 4” MDPE distribution pipe, as well as various valves and other appurtenances in Jefferson County as detailed in the Proposal.

Proposals must be submitted on standard forms provided in the Specification booklet and must be marked “Swannsylvania Expansion Project”.

Proposal forms, Specifications, and Plans may be examined at the following locations:

Jefferson Cocke County Utility District Office, Newport, Tennessee
Magnolia River, Shelby, North Carolina

Copies may be obtained at the office of Magnolia River at 108 W. Warren Street, Suite 300, Shelby, North Carolina 28150.

Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit equal to five (5%) percent of the net price bid. This deposit may consist of cash, a certified check drawn on a bank or trust company authorized to do business in the State of Tennessee or on a bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, payable to the Jefferson Cocke County Utility District, Newport, Tennessee, or a five (5%) percent Bid Bond issued by any insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Tennessee. The deposit is to be retained in the event of failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract within ten (10) days after the award or to give satisfactory surety as required.

All contractors are hereby notified that they shall properly comply with any Tennessee state laws governing their respective trades.

The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals.

Clint W. Hammonds, P.E.
General Manager